How to Prepare for

Your Family Session

Our session will feel like play - the perfect way to connect with each other. As your photographer, I'm here to support you in ANY way I can. This guide is my way of saying, "I've got you." I've crafted it to answer your questions, calm your fears, and address any uncertainty you may have.

How to Prepare for

Your Family Session

Our session will feel like play - the perfect way to connect with each other. As your photographer, I'm here to support you in ANY way I can. This guide is my way of saying, "I've got you." I've crafted it to answer your questions, calm your fears, and address any uncertainty you may have.

this time with your family is the most important

How to Prepare for Your Session

As a mama to two rambunctious little ones, I completely understand how family life can often feel like a whirlwind of chaos. Between the never-ending cycle of dirty dishes and the all-too-familiar sight of clothes scattered across the couch, it's easy to feel like your home is a constant battleground of everyday mess. That's life, and it's beautiful in its own way.

While I aim to be a fly on the wall during our session, capturing these authentic moments, there are a few small things you might consider before we begin. These aren’t about creating a ‘perfect’ scene, but rather about setting the stage for capturing your family’s genuine interactions and the natural beauty of your everyday life.

Think playful giggles, tight squeezes, and those oh-so-real moments with your little ones. Perfection isn't the goal here; we're crafting tangible memories of your family's genuine story amidst the motions of everyday life.

What to Expect

Most of the families I work with prefer to have their sessions take place at their home. It's where they make memories with their family, and it's where everyone is comfortable and most themselves. It's worth noting that in-home doesn't necessarily mean "indoor" either. We may start indoors, but make our way into your backyard half-way through the session, weather permitting.

Together, we will decide on the best location for your photos. And if you're worried that your home doesn't have adequate natural light, I love a good challenge. I have many locations that I love to shoot at regularly, but I am always open to new locations as well. Choose a location that fits your style and your family's personality.

What to Wear

Look, I get it. Dressing yourself in the morning is tough enough when you don’t have to stand in front of a camera. Add having to dress a couple of kids and perhaps even your partner, and things can get a little complicated! But the number one thing I want you to remember is that being comfortable is everything. It’s normal to want to shop for new fancy clothes to wear to a photoshoot. And that’s totally fine. But usually the best route is to go with something that’s tried and true. I always suggest families wear neutral colours and coordinating outfits (not matching).

I recommend neutral colours and earthy tones because they create a more timeless look. Choose a couple of outfits so that we can play with different options and combinations. Plus, you'll have a change of clothes if things get a little sandy/wet/muddy and the moment calls for it! Materials that are textured, sheer, or billowy are worth bringing along too. Fabrics that flow show up so beautifully in photographs because they capture snapshots of movement. Avoid starchy, stiff-seeming garments that get crumpled in weird spots and need frequent adjusting. When selecting the right footwear, think about what’s appropriate for the location, and what presents the lowest risk of a sprained ankle. Maybe it even makes most sense to ditch the shoes altogether!

If you feel like getting a little glammed up, there’s absolutely no reason not to get your hair and makeup done. Just remember to keep it as natural as possible. Excessive makeup or fancy and intricate hairdos can oftentimes look out of place. The focus should be on you, your family, and your connection.

If we've chosen to shoot on location, and once we choose that final spot (especially if it's outdoors), we can go through some colour palettes that will help you and your family feel cohesive with the surrounding environment. I'm also more than happy to be your second set of eyes with outfits.

Prep the Kiddos

Prepping is key. As adults, we like to have an idea of what to expect, and kids are no exception. Specifically, let them know what the day will look like; talk to them about what I'll be doing (aka hanging out), and ask them if there's anything they'd like to do during the session (e.g. build a sandcastle, jump on the bed, play with bubbles indoors). Getting them involved, and allowing them to be a part of the planning can go a long way!

If your kiddos want to include their favourite stuffy or wear their rain boots (even if we're hanging out indoors), let them! Authenticity is in the details.

Keep Snacks Handy

If we're going to be shooting outdoors, bring snacks. There are lots of variables in family shoots that are beyond our control. When photographing kids, I’ve learned that every plan is contingent on their mood. But snacks are an almost entirely failsafe mood booster for little ones (and lots of adults I know, too). Packing a stash of food to bust out right when the kids need that slice of motivation can buy us a lot of precious time!

Have a Quick Tidy-Up & Turn Off the Lights

And I mean QUICK! If the session is taking place in your home, you'll also want to be sure to declutter any rooms we might be shooting in. But please don't go on a cleaning spree on my account. Simply tidy up items you wouldn't want in the photos (coffee cups, amazon boxes, dirty diapers, extension cords, etc.).

As a natural light photographer, I also rely solely on the light entering your home. If you have any lights turned on in the spaces we'll be shooting in, go ahead and turn them off. It might feel dark to you, but I guarantee, it'll look beautiful on camera!

Create a Vibe with Music

Music is also a GAME-CHANGER and can help get everyone out of their shell. If you don't already have one, I suggest creating a playlist that best represents your family. These may be songs that are relaxing and calming, or songs that you all love to dance to. Our shoot will go through an ebb-and-flow of emotions (calm, intimate, joyful), so your playlist should do the same.

Prepare Early if Shooting on Location

If you have time the day before the shoot, particularly if we're going to be on location, get all of your things ready and have them in the car. This way, the morning of the shoot you and your family have some moments to unwind together doing something that you love. Give yourself lots of time to get to the location so you don’t feel frazzled and rushed on arrival. When a family shows up to a shoot having had to drive illegal speeds to get there, it sets the tone for a rushed and disorganized session.

"These photos aren’t about creating a ‘perfect’ scene, but rather about setting the stage for capturing your family’s genuine interactions and the natural beauty of your everyday life."

Let the Moment Unfold

If you walk away after reading this and only remember one thing, let it be this: have zero expectations. Embrace what comes – the wind, the rain, the laughter, the pancake batter on the floor... Every shoot is unique, and runs at its own pace. 

Try to remember that children are not usually fond of being told to pose or smile (which I wouldn't do anyways). It's best if we give them space and try to capture their natural selves. Please PLEASE don't worry if your child is running about. Most of the images you see of young kids throughout my work were captured while they were busy playing and exploring. To get the family shots, I usually direct the adults to simply "be" with their child(ren), and we go from there. We will of course take breaks, however, I will probably still shoot during that time. 

This session is all about YOU and capturing your life exactly how it is on the day of your shoot. We’re not here to mimic the shiny perfect families you see on your feed, we’re here to tell your unique story as it shows up on the day of the shoot – wrinkles, tears, joyous abandon, and all. Throw your checklist out the window and know that magic will naturally unfold. When it does, I’ll be there to capture it.

After the Session

I’ll send you some sneak peeks 48-72 hours following our session, and the full gallery within 6-8 weeks via a private online gallery. From your gallery, you’ll be able to create favourites lists, share online, or choose from a variety of printed products.

Kind Words

"Working with Gen was a breath of fresh air... I was actually kind of nervous, but she was so casual & chill and felt like a friend. Can't recommend her enough and I'm so excited for our summer shoot at our cabin!"

Kerri Webb

Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this guide! I imagine you’ll have a few questions bouncing around your head, so feel free to email or DM me. These photographs are going to be incredibly special. I can’t wait!


Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this guide! I imagine you’ll have a few questions bouncing around your head, so feel free to email or DM me. These photographs are going to be incredibly special. I can’t wait!
