Fur Babies: Our First Babies

For most people, their pets are their first babies. Getting an animal is a HUGE step and suddenly there's this being (other than yourself) that you need to take care of, and more importantly, that you can spoil rotten. And holy sh*t is it ever fun to spoil them. Oh don't look at me like that: how many times have you gone into the grocery store or dollar store for something only to walk out with a new toy for your pup or cat (or bearded dragon if that's what you're into). And then somehow those animals turn into our fur babies, and everyone in the whole entire world must know about it! Then we met someone, and they must absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt adopt that fur baby as their own.

Enter Human Babies

If you, alone or with a partner, have decided to add kiddos to the mix, the love for your fur babies doesn't just go away because all of a sudden now you have human babies. From the moment you've made that life-changing decision, it's almost as if our animals can sense it. And if you're the birthing partner, maybe you'll notice your fluff cuddling up near your belly just a little bit more. It's wild and also so beautiful to see the relationship that develops between our human and fur babies.

"It's wild and also so beautiful to see the relationship that develops between our human and fur babies."

"It's wild and also so beautiful to see the relationship that develops between our human and fur babies."

kk... But What's the Point?

Okay, cool, but why am I talking about pets? Because whether we realize it or not (and you probably very much realize it), our pets are a part of our families. We're overjoyed when they come into our lives, they're our cuddle buddies after a really terrible day, playmates when we just want to let loose and go wild, and anyone who has ever had a pet will know, we deeply mourn their loss after they've left us. For those animal-type people, our lives would feel a bit lonelier without them, and our family photos would be lacking somehow. So if you're thinking of or have booked lifestyle photos (be it maternity, newborn, or family), bring in the animals. Let the chaos of having a photo shoot with animals reign. Except maybe for all of my cat people... because let's face it, cat's do whatever the f*ck they want (and we love them for it).